Popular Ceramic Coating Myths
Ceramic coating is often misunderstood because people don’t know what it is! Industrial ceramics are used in high-tech applications in biomedical, aerospace and electronic areas. We use industrial ceramics at ACE in our protective wear liners. The properties of ceramic make it ideal to protect industrial equipment from the inevitable wear and tear from its use.
What are some of the misconceptions when it comes to ceramic coatings?
Are ceramic coatings chemical-proof?
Ceramics are ideal for use by chemists, physicists and engineers alike, thanks to their chemical inertness. Advanced ceramics are highly resistant to chemical corrosion, in fact, ceramic doesn’t react with most liquids, gases, acids or alkalis. Our range of ceramic wear liners is a cost-effective, efficient way to protect your assets from the chemical erosion that occurs in acidic or caustic environments.
Are ceramic coatings heatproof?
Ceramic coatings are used specifically for their heat resistant properties! As a material, ceramic is a good insulator, ideal for use in high heat settings. This is because heat doesn’t transfer through ceramic fibre due to its atomic bonding structure, and it doesn’t have many loose electrons. Even traditional forms of ceramics can withstand heat up to 1,000°C to 1,600 °C.
Are ceramic coatings friction proof?
One of the main advantages of using ceramics in wear protection is the product’s corrosion resistance. To a large degree, ceramic coatings are friction proof. Once formed, ceramic is extremely strong and brittle, hence why ceramic coatings are popular for cars to protect the paint from scratching and are used widely as one of the most effective materials for protection against abrasion.
Important factors to consider
Understanding the environment in which the system is intended to be installed into or designed around is crucial for the systems success. Many factors that need to be considered during the design such as;
- Temperature
- Humidity
- Operational conditions
- Material characteristics
- PH levels
- Wear characteristics i.e impact, abrasion, corrosion
Since adopting their use in protective equipment, ceramic “systems“ have shown themselves as the solution to keeping your equipment functioning at its full potential.
Australian Ceramics Engineering specialises in helping your equipment last longer and perform at its best. If you think your equipment could benefit from our services, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
We would love to help debunk any ceramic coating myths you have or specific questions. You can contact us here.